
Unless you’ve been living off the grid as of late, you know that web security is important. While you may not be able to control things like massive data breaches from large companies, what you can control is your passwords. How

Whether you’ve had a paperless classroom for awhile, have tried to go paperless but have made it only halfway there, or if you’re just taking your first baby steps into emptying your classroom of its paper piles, selecting tools that

Figuring out which apps work best in your particular classroom is not easy. There’s a painstaking process of trial and error that teachers must go through (usually during the summer break or professional development sessions). If you’ve ever contemplated education

Everyone works a little bit differently – both in the workplace and at home. Some need to break tasks up into small pieces with deadlines, some need to switch from task to task in order to alleviate boredom, others need

You’re not alone. It really does seem like Google is coming out with some exciting new app or highly useful product every week now. They’re doubling down on cloud-based tools right now and we’re all going to benefit. That’s because

Let’s face it. Not all teachers are using social media in the classroom. If you’re looking to start, here are some real-world examples that work.

One of the biggest productivity tools has gotten a solid redesign. In case you didn’t notice, Google Drive got trimmed down and made into a lean, mean, time-saving machine. Plus there’s a bunch of Google+ integrations that will actually make

When I arrived at college – about twenty billion years ago, in technology terms – everyone was using AOL instant messenger. It was revolutionary. No need to call to see if your friend wanted to meet you across campus to

Teachers are not longer told each day that the iPad is the future of education. It’s now just every other day. For those who are just starting their personal tablet revolution, this list from Sam Gliksman is very handy indeed.

If you’re trying to sort through the App Store in an attempt to find great apps for your classroom, well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re in for a looonnnggg ride. There are literally billions of apps