20 simple (but effective) ways to unlock your creativity
Let’s be real here: Sometimes we are creative, productive beings. Nothing can stop us. The ideas keep coming, and they’re good. Revelations happen. Work gets done. Feedback is good.
And then there are other times when……nothing.
The sound of those crickets in your head can be deafening – and frustrating. Beating yourself up when you’re not feeling creative isn’t going to help though. And I hate to be the one to break it to y’all, but there’s no magic creativity pill that we can take to give ourselves a brain boost when we most need it. Sometimes creativity is hiding in places we don’t realize – and seeking out creativity with your pick axe and lighted helmet isn’t what is going to help you!
Below are just some of our ideas on simple and straightforward ways that you can quickly unlock your creativity. In other words, it’s a quick guide to help you get out of your ‘funk’ so you can really feel like you accomplished something today.
What’s your most powerful tip for unlocking your creative juices? Share them with the Daily Genius community by mentioning @DailyGenius on Twitter and we’ll retweet!