Social Media
Parents who constantly check their gadgets are more likely to see bad behavior in their kids
Social Media
Social media can lead to obesity and loneliness (and how can we escape it)
How the podcast industry changed in 2016 and will change more in 2017
December 20, 2016Combining the intimacy of radio with the on-demand nature of modern media forms, podcasts are not…
Six podcasts to make you better people in 2017
December 12, 2016While the New Year marks an opportunity to better ourselves, it’s hard to keep up the…
Why Europe wants Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to crack down on hate speech
December 5, 2016U.S. tech giants including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft will have to act faster to tackle…
What our tweets say about our health
October 19, 2016Tapping into the Twitter stream could help researchers understand how healthy people’s lifestyles are and how…
Tinder and teens: critical thinking and the sideways glance
June 29, 2016He sidles into the kitchen. ‘He’s joined Tinder.’ A vacuum descends. I twist towards my nearly 16-year-…
Google and Facebook edge quietly towards automatic blocking of extremist videos
June 27, 2016Some of the web’s biggest destinations for watching videos have quietly started using automation to remove…