right to be forgotten online


Do you really have the right to be forgotten online?

Today is ‘Safer Internet Day‘ and that means it’s a good time to figure out how you can stay a bit more secure online. But online security is about a lot more than having a long and difficult password.

In fact, there’s a lot more to being safe online than anything you’ll find in today’s Google Doodle that offers you the ability to get a 2-minute online safety tune-up courtesy of the almighty Google.

One of the biggest ways to truly stay safe online for a long time is by becoming a proper digital citizen. The term ‘digital citizenship’ essentially means acting right, treating others how you would wish to be treated (with respect, hopefully), and thinking twice before doing most things like posting photos of yourself.

Which brings us to the ‘right to be forgotten,’ a phrase that is currently being hotly debated around the world as Europe and online companies like Google endeavor to figure out if web users like you and me actually have the right to be forgotten online.

See Also: Staying safe online: Google’s best tips and tricks

Let’s say we do something when we’re young and share a video of it on YouTube. We then apply for a job 10 years later. The hiring manager looks you up, sees that video, and doesn’t hire you. Wouldn’t it be great to simply tell Google that you want ALL these kinds of materials to be forgotten by the search index? Wouldn’t that have helped you get that job? Probably.

But there’s more to it than just covering up past indiscretions. In fact, this video is a must-watch today of all days – but really is worth seeing for anyone looking to learn more about how they can stay safer online now and into the distant future.

After all, the Internet never forgets. Ever.

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Jeff Dunn

Jeff is an education and technology lover who has worked in far too many industries to count. Okay, like maybe 5 or 6. Jeff can indeed count that high but it’s not recommended. Jeff also likes to write bios in the third-person.


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