fun videos

5 Fun videos that will make you smile

Guys, it’s Monday. Again. Perhaps it is a bad combination of getting ready to move, getting ready for a big conference, and having another heat wave (or “storm” as one San Diego weather lady called it recently. Apparently if it isn’t 72 and perfectly sunny, the weather here gets classified as a “storm”) but every day has felt rather Monday-ish lately.

In an effort to make you smile – even just a little bit – I’ve compiled four of my favorite fun videos from YouTube. Watch them now, share them, or save them to watch when you’re particularly grumpy. However you slice it, they’re sure to make you smile. You’ll hear George Takei read you excerpts from 50 Shades of Grey, hear Gilbert Gottfried attempt the same, see a remixed video of the well-known movie Up, see an honest trailer for Disney’s Frozen (“adjusted for inflation with two princesses!), and watch New Yorkers make subway conductors point at silly signs in an effort to make them smile. And in case your grumpies are unusually stubborn this morning, there’s even some unlikely animal snuggling and playing together.

Do you have any favorite videos that cheer you up whenever you see them? Share them with the Daily Genius community by leaving us a comment below, mention @DailyGenius on Twitter or head over to the Daily Genius Facebook page!







Written by Katie Dunn

Explorer, eternal learner, animal lover. Perpetually drawn to the ocean. Adventure ready. Suffers from wanderlust. Likes chasing things down the sink with the little sprayer thingy.

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