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Periscope to autoplay within Twitter

One of the significant issues with Periscope, the visibility of its livestreams, may now be close to being solved as Twitter users will now be able to watch Periscope live streams straight from their feeds.

For teachers, as we’ve said before, it’s one of the simplest and useful ways to have a live broadcast all your own, allowing you to teach from home during a snowday, or for students to present their work while on a field trip. Pupils can even do live broadcasts that are watched by other classrooms around the world. It’s all free, to boot.

And now, it’s findable. Starting today, video cards will auto-play within Twitter’s iOS app for iPhone and iPad. If you tap on the card will allow users to see the stream full screen, including the comments and hearts from others — although hearting or commenting on the stream will still have to be done within the Periscope app. Which is clumsy, but probably solvable

In a Medium post, Periscope describe the new feature as adding “a whole new dimension to Twitter”.

Reassuringly, they also add that Android versions will be launched ‘as soon as they are ready’.

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Jimmy Leach

Jimmy Leach is a digital consultant, working with governments, organisations and people. He tweets at @JimmyTLeach


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