change how you use social media


This powerful video will change how you use social media

There are a lot of ways social media is changing things for the better. We’re all learning about major world events in the blink of an eye, keeping up with long-lost friends like never before, and easily sharing our lives online.

But are you actually losing a little bit of your humanity by using social media? Are you more comfortable opening your computer and closing your door than hosting a dinner party? Would you rather speak to your closest friends via text message or in person?

This video is a powerful work of art that’s a must-watch to anyone who uses social media. Judging by the number of smartphones I see whipped out at every opportunity, that’s a lot of folks. It might actually change how you use social media or perhaps what you think when you reach for your phone in the next few seconds. It’s like an addiction, no?

Want more insight? Check out the Weekly Genius here

Whether you’re in the world of business, politics, education, health, or any other … this video is a straightforward and moving attempt to discuss some of the biggest problems with social networks and our digital lives.

Be sure to share this video with anyone you think might need to take a step back from social media, constant updates, selfies, etc. Thanks.

Jeff is an education and technology lover who has worked in far too many industries to count. Okay, like maybe 5 or 6. Jeff can indeed count that high but it’s not recommended. Jeff also likes to write bios in the third-person.


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