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Photos That Synchronizes With Your Mobile Without Wire

Smartphone devices are not just smartphones. They are the devices with latest technology and which can perform multiple operations at a stretch. They are as fast as a laptop or a desktop computer. Even users and non expert users can operate this smartphone devices with ease. Hence, smartphone devices have a great demand in the international and the national markets.

Google which is the top leading search engine in the world, have jumped into a new field of introducing mobile phones and operating system. Where these mobiles have great demand and as well as all the smartphones except Apple devices and Nokia devices run on Android platform which is developed by Google company.

Recently Google took new patent rights on behalf of wireless photo frame, by synchronizing itself into your photos, which works similar to that of a digital one, which you have already owned, but may be different in functionality. This snapping will directly connect our smartphone device directly without any need of external cable. This frame will display any photo of the specific user uploaded to it, and is linked to your phone without any wired connection. It is nothing, but just like Facebook, it will allow the users to tag people in a particular photo, and then imports that tag into your contact list, because the frame and the mobile device can automatically synchronize without any need of the external cable, one need to tap the face of anyone you have tagged already in a picture and your mobile will automatically call that tapped contact.

With this frame, we can add the tagged photo to our contact list in which it will display on the screen while calling or receiving the call. Even though this is already being done in iPhone devices by syncing the contacts on Facebook and mobile contacts, it will map all the contacts that are present in Facebook and mobile device, it will directly sync the photos on Facebook to your mobile device and will appear on the screen when you receive a call from particular contact. But, this not in the case of this Google frame, because, in this Google frame, it will save all the photos of you and your tagged friends by backing up itself including its software.

As Google is well known for simple and high quality designs, this frame should be more sleek and should not consume more time will processing. It will also be available not only on your smart devices but can also be integrated to Android, Office Suite and Google TV.

So users may look forward for this frame in the market but, this is not available in the market now. It will come into existence as soon as it is manufactured. It is just an idea and Google took patents for this frame for any  further problems. May be, this will also be a massive hit for Google.