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Healthy eating micro-resolutions for the New Year

Healthy eating micro-resolutions for the New Year

Once the New Year starts, many people get caught up in trying to make drastic changes to their lifestyle and end up giving up on their resolutions altogether. But the advise from the company that brought us the health app Lifesum believes that it is better to make micro-resolutions, based around healthy eating and lifestyle, taking steps to change small things which can often lead to better success in the long term.

Sugar detox

When we’re feeling sluggish, we often reach for sugar to give us quick energy boost. However, sugar isn’t good for our health and not only is it addictive, but the quick pick-me-up will only leave you more exhausted once it wears off. 

  • Start with a complete sugar detox for the first couple of days, before reintroducing natural sugars and unrefined carbohydrates for the remainder of the month.
  • After detoxing, be sure to reintroduce the right kinds of sugar, such as those from honey and fruit. However, don’t forget that these are still sugar and the amount that you consume should be monitored.

Drink more water

Keeping hydrated is important in helping organs and cells to function, reducing hunger and helping flush out toxins, so make sure you drink enough.

  • Of course, apps such as Lifesum help you track your water intake and stay hydrated.

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are an essential part of our diet and are integral to a healthy lifestyle, so make sure you get all the nutrients and vitamins.

  • Instead of snacking on sweet things, try substituting in vegetables. You could have carrot sticks and red pepper with hummus, or try slicing sweet potato and roasting it to make sweet potato toast.

Have a good breakfast

Research shows that missing breakfast results in low blood sugar and slower metabolism. Your breakfast doesn’t have to be elaborate, just make sure you have one – it’s a key part of healthy eating.

  • Eggs are a great breakfast food as they are low in calories but packed with protein, or fruit salad which provides a boost of vitamins and antioxidants.

Clean Eating

Clean eating is a great micro-resolution to make which will dramatically improve your health in the long term. It’s easier to eat clean if you put thought into your food.

  • For lunch, follow the basic equation of protein + carbohydrate + fat. Chicken or salmon are a good choice as they are low in fat but high in protein. Vegetables such as broccoli and asparagus are a good carbohydrate high in vitamins, and an olive oil based sauce easily fulfils your fat requirement.

Frida Harju-Westman is the in-house nutritionist at the health app Lifesum, a Stockholm-based digital health company with over 20 million users. Using tech and psychology, it creates a tailored plan to help people live happier, more balanced lives. Whether the goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or just live a healthier life, Lifesum shows how changing small, everyday habits can transform your life. The app is available on iOS and Android.


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Frida Harju

Frida Harju is the in-house nutritionist at health app


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