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What Is Restorative Dentistry and How Can It Benefit You?

We’re all interested in our oral health and want a beautiful smile. But the fact is that about 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth!

If that includes you, then restorative dentistry can help you to regain your smile and your confidence. This practice of repairing and replacing damaged teeth improves more than just your image. It can also have a beneficial effect on your health as a whole.

Let’s answer the question ‘What is restorative dentistry? and find out how it can benefit you.

Restorative Dentistry Definition

Restorative dentistry is the practice of repairing or replacing damaged or missing teeth.

A restorative dentist will commonly use the following procedures to treat patients:

Over time, our teeth can develop cavities or caries. If caught early, a simple filling may be enough to solve this problem.

If they are allowed to develop, the root of the tooth can become infected. In this case, you may need to have a root canal procedure. This commonly involves removing much of the tooth and fitting a dental crown.

Sometimes due to accidents or other advanced issues, your dentist may remove one or more of your teeth. This can cause issues for the surrounding teeth. The teeth can begin to lean into the gaps, leading to uneven teeth and further issues.

The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry helps to keep you at the best level of oral health possible.

First of all, it removes cavities. This reduces the risk of infection, and problems such as abscesses. These can cause serious pain, and lead to tooth loss if not treated!

Restorative dentistry also replaces missing teeth. It can do this in a few ways.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges help to fill the gaps left by missing teeth.

As the name suggests, they are attached on both sides to existing teeth. The middle tooth is a false tooth. The two on either side are dental crowns that attach to your existing teeth.

There are a number of types of dental bridges with different pros and cons. The major advantage of a dental bridge is that it fills the gap. This gives you a full, natural-looking smile, helps you to speak clearly, and stops the other teeth from moving out of position.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a game-changer in restorative dentistry.

The implant replaces the tooth of the tooth. A small abutment is then attached to the implant. Finally, a crown is attached to replace the missing tooth or teeth.

The benefits of dental implants include a more natural appearance and a greater comfort level than bridges or dentures. They are very strong and allow you to eat all your favorite foods again. They also do not affect the teeth on either side of the implant.

It’s even possible to replace all your teeth with just four dental implants on the top and the bottom. This system is called all-on-four.

The Many Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry is something we all need at some point.

It can help to keep our mouths in optimal health. It can even restore our smile if we have missing or broken teeth. If you’re struggling with missing or painful teeth, search for restorative dentistry near me.

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