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6 Ways to Nurture Your Leadership Skills

Are great leaders born with the necessary skills or do they develop them? While you may think that some people are natural born leaders, others have acquired their skills through targeted training, experience, or a combination of both. Given the right environment and the right support, it’s possible to become a great leader. So, if you want to become a better leader, here are six ways to nurture the necessary skills.

Take a Course

Many people learn how to lead by taking a dedicated course either as part of their job role or during their time at college. Taking a course in this area as part of your degree is a great way to set yourself up for success in your career. It will prove to be a sound financial investment for your future, especially as the cost of your degree and any additional courses can be covered by student loans. Now is the time for learning and the skills you acquire will make you a much more employable person once you enter the job market.

Creative Thinking

Some of the best leaders don’t stick with the traditional way of doing things. They have the confidence to think outside the box and look for new ways to get things done. Rather than rely on the same old strategies, they can step back from the situation and work out what is needed. They may also ask questions and listen to the opinions of others to come up with workable solutions.


Leaders take control in many different ways, some of which may be more effective than others. However, a good leader understands their guidance style and knows that collaborating with others will create a more effective team. Learning to collaborate with other people just like you who have different ways of working will nurture your own skills and turn you into a better person so look for opportunities to make this happen.

Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a great way to develop your leadership skills and mindset. If you’re asked to take on a project that you are not quite sure about, put your discomfort behind you and accept the role. They obviously have confidence in your ability and learning to operate in an unknown environment will help you to gain more experience and knowledge and, ultimately, increase your confidence in your ability to take action and control.

Inspire Others

If you take on the role of a coach or mentor, you’ll not only nurture and help that person but you’ll also get a lot out of it yourself. When you pass on your experience and skills, you’ll inspire others to be more like you. You’ll also help them to grow in confidence. Creating the right environment for others to thrive is what great leadership is all about.


Everyone suffers setbacks during their life, so learning to be resilient is key to being successful, not just in your career but in life too. Developing a positive outlook, learning from your mistakes and failures and maintaining perspective can help you to foster resilience.