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How to Repair Paint Scratches?

It is actually quite simple to remove scratches, but the task can be very costly if we do it improperly. Unfortunately, many people simply don’t have enough time or skill to perform the task properly. The task can be quite difficult to remove, if the scratch is too deep. Many car scratches are caused by small mishaps, like accidentally scratching the door paint with our key, when we are closing the door. When we are driving on the highway, it is possible that we ruin the car surface with pebble marks. Things that we need to consider are random scratches, cob-web cracks, oxidation or rust, pore-imbedding strains, dried bird drooping acid rain spots and buffer swirls.

Many scratches are equal to sanding with 600 to 1000 grit sandpaper. They should be able to be buffed or fixed. However, 2000 grit scratches could penetrate deeper into the surface and conventional scratch removed won’t be enough. In this case, we will need to find the right tools to fix the scratch without causing additional damages. As an example, we could use pain levellers with heat-reducing abrasive that will flatten when we apply some heat. There are tools that we need to repair minor scratches, such as body compounds found at many car supply stores. The local dealership service centers should provide primer paint.

We also need low grit sandpaper that’s cut to small squares. Get two towels, one kept dry and another should be damp. Two buckets should be available one with plain water and another with soapy water. A small paint brush should be available from local hardware stores or Home Depot. Two chemicals that are essential for this task are car polish and scratch-removing agents. We should be aware that tools for removing scratches could vary in price and effectiveness. It is important to make sure that we use correct scratch removed, before attempting to repair the car, we should clean it and removed bird drooping and other things.

There are things that we can do to repair minor car scratches and this should be quite easy to do. As an example, we could use the wet cloth and apply proper polishing compound to any damaged area. It is important to rub the compound gently into the damaged areas using circular motions and we should allow it to harden. After the compound is completely dry, we should remove it with soap and water. Wax should be applied to sponge and towel and we should gently use the circular motion to dub the area. A clean piece of cloth should be used to rub the surface properly. This simple task should be able to remove most fine scratches.

However, we should back to reality and realize that those key marks can be pretty deep and simple polish won’t do the job. It means that we need to spend more money and time to repair the surface. We should carefully sand the area with low grit sandpaper and we should clean it immediately. We should allow the compound to harden and dry completely.